Brady’s Foundation was founded in 2019 with the desire to help families dealing with one of life’s hardest tasks, caring for a child with a terminal illness. It is our goal to support families with children facing rare diseases who require complex and palliative care. These families face difficult and unique situations and we are so honored to be able to help them provide the best quality of life for their children.

The inspiration for the foundation came from Brady Regehr, a courageous little boy who touched the lives of many during his short 7 years. You can read his story here. It is through Brady that we have learned about the struggles these families face. Inconsistencies with government programs and not getting equipment when it is needed are just a few examples of the stresses families have. We want to help by bridging the gaps with government programs, providing equipment and supplies that will increase the child’s quality of life as well as reducing some of the stress on the families, allowing them to make the most of their time.

Members of the Board include Jacci Tainsh (Brady’s mom), Dr. Nina Hardcastle, Justin Lambert and Kelsy Wilton. Each member brings their own talents and passion for making a difference for these children and their families.